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Use AI to Create Effective Sales Training in Minutes Instead of Months!

Deliver Training on a Personalized Learning And Coaching Platform!

Cut Time to Mastery in Half - Guaranteed!

Special Offer: Schedule a Demo, and We Will Create Your First Course For Free!

Trusted By Companies on 7 Continents
BrainX Learners

Building Effective Training

Every learner has a different level of prior knowledge about a topic and needs a different level of practice and coaching to achieve mastery.

One-size-fits-all instruction is too advanced for some salespeople and too slow for others.  One-size-fits-all practice rarely produces mastery, so almost everything taught in the instruction is quickly forgotten.

The combination of the Blast Learning Technology and the BrainX content ensures that every component of instruction, practice, and coaching is personalized in a way that accelerates learning so everyone reaches mastery in record time. 


Why Practice Must Be Spaced

Creating mastery requires the brain to grow anywhere from thousands to millions of new connections in the cortex.  How many new connections depends on the robustness of the learner’s current neural network on the subject.

Growing connections takes time. To compensate, your brain has a miraculous component that stores knowledge temporarily until it is written to your cortex by the growing of new connections. However, this system has limited capacity, is easily overwritten by other information, and almost everything is forgotten within 36 hours.

This temporary storage explains why a salesperson can watch a video and immediately pass a test yet, without additional practice, cannot pass the same test a week later.

The wonderful news is that there are research-proven ways to speed-up long-term memory formation and true mastery.  BrainX leverages our patented technology and experience to speed up the growth of connections.

In short, BrainX produces durable memories and mastery in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of effort.

BrainX Brain Connections
BrainX Mental Toughness Training

Mental Toughness Training

The BrainX mental toughness training for salespeople was developed by America’s leading mental toughness trainers who have helped professional athletes win championships, and Olympic athletes win gold medals.  

The mental toughness for salespeople courses train salespeople to control their emotions and operate at peak performance levels.