Teachers continually struggle with students who think they shouldn’t have to do any work or studying. They have no intrinsic motivation to learn and refuse to think about their futures, even their immediate futures. This pervasive disdain for accountability seems to explain the uncomfortably high failure rate in our schools. Many students do not feel it is their responsibility to learn and develop. They feel it will come deus ex machina with no effort on their part.
Unfortunately, in a desire to see our students succeed, teachers and administrators have repeatedly lowered their expectations of students. BrainX, I feel, has gone the other way taking the onus off of the teacher and put it squarely on the shoulders of the student. The student is shown exactly what they need to learn, provided with an effective means to learn it and powerful reinforcement after it has been learned. The entire research based learning process is supported by the teacher but the student must choose to put in the effort to learn. We are more guides and mentors now than nannies.
Trent Nicholson
High School English Teacher