Many companies have outstanding training content, but do not yet have outstanding training platforms. With BrainX, you get both. Our engagement process can begin with consulting or can involve building a custom Personalized Learning System to achieve specific learning goals. The latter includes a review of client training goals and a “deep-dive” of discovery.
BrainX is committed to developing a comprehensive understanding of a client’s industry, particular business mission, company processes, and product & service offerings, which includes evaluation of any existing, company-specific training content.
We can customize our BrainX platform by loading it with a client’s content, or we can supplement it with our own proprietary content, or create a combination of the two. The result is a system that accepts any type of content and then molds the teaching of that content to the individual needs of each learner.
Because the patented BrainX technology automates parts of the course creation process, BrainX is able to offer our customers the lowest course development pricing in the industry. In addition to standard types of course content, BrainX includes a simulation system. The BrainX simulation system allows learners to verbally interact in real world situations where they can hone their skills before they have to use them on the job.
Once BrainX is properly loaded with content and deployed, it engages learners in a simple 4-step process leading to learning and mastery:
BrainX is an innovative, patented, learning system that quickly gets your salespeople to mastery and solves the problem of forgetting.