For years closing strategies have been taught as one-size-fits-all set of tricks and statements. In fact, a closing strategy that works with one person will often backfire with the next. The second problem is that closing has been viewed as a stand-alone step at the end of a sales process. The truth is that closing is a process that begins with the first conversation.
Salespeople will understand closing as a process rather than a single step.
Learners will complete application exercises where they apply the front end of closing strategies to various stages of your sales process. For example, they might ask a set of questions to determine a customer’s type which will determine the ideal closing strategy to use with this customer.
In the verbal simulations learners will practice each of the closing strategies that fit your solutions and customers.
Learners receive professional coaching on their verbal responses from an expert on closing strategies.
As the coaches work with your people, they identify examples of great verbal responses to the various closing scenarios. These examples are flagged and can be added to the course for future users of the course or used by managers in weekly meetings.
BrainX is an innovative, patented, learning system that quickly gets your salespeople to mastery and solves the problem of forgetting.