Current Customers
Below is a sampling of our many customer success stories.
Please contact a BrainX Reseller for additional case studies.
American Association of Inside Sales Professionals
The Customer’s Need
5-4-2011 Larry Reeves, COO of the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals, said today that, “The profession of inside sales has grown very rapidly across the globe with new jobs being created at a 10% annual growth rate. Given this growth and the focus, corporations are looking to inside sales as a key component of its sales coverage strategy. We felt a need to both identify and then test the set of competencies and skills required at the individual rep level.” AA-ISP Founder and CEO, Bob Perkins goes on to note, “For years corporations have made significant investments in hiring, training, and on-boarding inside sales professionals. Yet there remains a need to, quantify, measure, and then test these skills to assure an individual was competent. We selected BrainX because of their unique on-line learning system. If a salesperson doesn’t meet the required knowledge and skill level the BrainX on-line learning system builds a personal set of Sales Courses and simulations to help the salesperson master the required knowledge and skills so they can pass the accreditation requirements.
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The BrainX Solution
“As we looked at on-line systems we saw immediately how The BrainX patented technology would not only help us to present and test the Certified Inside Sales Professional materials but ultimately helps the learner to master the skills required to be a CISP®. “stated Perkins. As companies are expecting a much higher level of professionalism and sales results from its inside forces, our member community needs something that goes beyond the current training methods. We found part of our answer in the neuroscience of learning and BrainX, a company leading the way in brain research based online learning solutions.
Jim Camp Negotiation Systems
The Customer’s Need
The Camp Negotiation Methodology is widely recognized as the most effective in the world. It is used by thousands of organizations to effectively negotiate large deals as well as complex labor and government negotiations. Camp wanted to expand by building an online university. The problem was that traditional Learning Management Systems weren't powerful enough to teach to the level of mastery required to effectively use the system effectively.
Jim Camp also wanted a way to effective coach people anywhere in the world as they used the Camp system to conduct complex negotiations.
The BrainX Solution
BrainX built a custom online university that used our patented digital learning system to personalize instruction to the needs of each individual, and teach the Camp course material to the point of true mastery. We also built an interactive system that allowed Jim Camp and certified trainers to offer confidential mentoring through the BrainX system. The result was a dramatic increase in training effectiveness, client satisfaction, and a huge spike in clients.
The Gallup Organization, Government Division – Rapid, Economical Deployment
The Customer’s Need
Gallup was awarded a government contract worth millions of Federal dollars for a new Education initiative that was scheduled to be deployed in a 1-month’s timeframe. Having no in-house system or resources that could handle the complexity of the project, Gallup turned to BrainX to develop and deploy the coursework so the project would be on time.
The BrainX Solution
Create and deploy courses that would deliver the knowledge base to Learners who would evaluate rigorous criteria for allotment of Federal Education grants, in 3 weeks time. A complete custom look and additional system functions were all included so that Gallup could meet its obligations on-time and on-budget. The project was such a success that Gallup used BrainX again to add content for the client for a new round of training. Gallup is also a BrainX platform license holder.
Orange County Department of Education – Assessments and Tutoring for Student Success
The Customer’s Need
Like many high schools in California, Orange County was faced with a daunting challenge to support students who needed extra help to pass the high school exit exam for graduation. Many of these students are Special Education and English Learners who need additional services to pass the exam.
The BrainX Solution
Create pre-assessment tests and tutorials for Vocabulary, English Language Arts and Math so that each student’s weaknesses can be addressed with the right coursework. Orange County co-authored the coursework and BrainX optimized it into the BrainX system, so every student in the OCDE has access to these valuable materials via the Internet. The BrainX system customizes to each student’s unique study needs by using patented algorithms to configure the right study material. This content is so successful that Orange County licenses the BrainX solution to other school districts with the same problem.
The Alzheimer’s Association – Volunteer Orientation at Minimal Cost
The Customer’s Need
The Alzheimer’s Association of Orange County needed an effective way to train its volunteers who donate their time to the cause. This training included large amounts of information about this complex condition and how to support families in crisis.
The BrainX Solution
Create and host a comprehensive coursework program for the Association. BrainX optimized the original Alzheimer’s volunteer training guide so that any volunteer could access it at anytime, and anywhere. These volunteers could message an online Trainer to get answers to their questions, thus making the orientation more convenient and less expensive to operate.
PACE - The Need for 100% Compliance
The Customer’s Need
Automobile dealer Finance and Sales representatives needed a clear understanding of their responsibilities, according to the Federal Truth in Lending Acts, when discussing finance terms with customers. BrainX was selected to take over the development of an e-learning system to meet a rapidly approaching deadline and deliver assurances that Learners would pass coursework with 100% success.
The BrainX Solution
A project that prototyped and built new custom coursework in less than 45 days. A 10 course curriculum with embedded flash video and audio was created to enhance “What-to-do” and “Not-to-do” scenarios, which emphasized Federal compliance practices. Custom login and home pages were also designed so that PACE could leverage their brand in the marketplace. Additional training and consultant support was provided for the sales launch campaigns.
Amgen, Inc. – Promised Deliverables
The Customer’s Need
A live, instructor-led training meeting was scheduled to occur two months prior to the product’s rollout. It was determined that the agenda would not accommodate all the content that needed to be delivered. The sales training managers needed a way to distribute key marketing information and train field sales representatives without using any time during the live meeting.
The BrainX Solution
Build online courses that could be deployed prior to the meeting, so that every sales representative could utilize the live training in the most effective manner. These ’Pre-courses’ delivered time and compliance sensitive information out to the field Sales Force without sacrificing rigor in the learning material. The project was started and deployed successfully within 1 month. The program involved all Regional Sales Managers, District Managers, Sales Representatives, and Specialists associated with the new drug launch.
LaSalle Bank – Traditional vs. New and Improved Approaches
The Customer’s Need
Two product lines were lagging in sales. One advisor group was given training via a traditional e-learning program. The other group was given access to the BrainX tutorial courses to develop their knowledge and skills.
The BrainX Solution
Management reported a 300% increase in sales, within a 6-month period after training, in the BrainX group. The other group had no growth in sales for the same period. Leaders are convinced that the BrainX approach directly contributed to the advisors’ in-depth knowledge and product confidence which led to the tremendous sales increase.